January 2025 – The masterclass #2

That’s a wrap for the second edition of the masterclass! Over the past ten days, we welcomed fifteen participants from institutions around the world to Amsterdam for an engaging program of workshops, presentations, visits, and social events. The insights exchanged exceeded our expectations, and we all, organizers, contributors, and participants alike, return home with a wealth of new knowledge and perspectives. Once again, this has been an incredibly inspiring event, reinforcing our belief in its significance of knowledge spreading on wax-resin lining, and of collaboration between painting conservators.

January 2025 – The masterclass #2

The second version of the masterclass will be offered to a new group of participants between the 22nd and the 31st of January 2025. We are grateful to the Getty Foundation for funding the project. We are starting the organization of it. Updates will be posted on this website including some information in open access. We are looking forward to the event.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wax-resin project