Liesbeth Abraham

Institute: Frans Hals Museum

Country: The Netherlands


Liesbeth Abraham is paintings conservator in the Frans Hals Museum. She studied Art History at the University of Amsterdam. From 1986-1988 she was an intern in the conservation studio of the Frans Hals Museum. In those years she participated in the first training program for paintings conservation in the Netherlands, which was organized for interns in conservation studios in Dutch Museums. This later became the training program of the Limburg Conservation Institute (SRAL) Maastricht.

After finishing her study at the University of Amsterdam she followed a two year internship at  the Hamilton Kerr Institute/ University of Cambridge. From there on she worked at the Stichting Kollektief Restauratie Atelier Amsterdam (SKRA), the Kröller-Müller Museum and at the ‘Oranjezaal “ in the Royal Palace Huis ten Bosch in The Hague.

In 1999 she started working for the Frans Hals Museum|De Hallen Haarlem in 1999. She has worked on various conservation and research projects in the Museum,  including the research and conservation of the Regents portraits by Frans Hals. She hereby picked up the research she did in the past on Hals’ technique in the Militia pieces and his use of colored grounds.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wax-resin project