Emilie Froment

Institute: University of Amsterdam

Country: The Netherlands

Link: www.uva.nl

Biography: Dr. Emilie Froment (1973) was raised in Bordeaux, France. She is working for the University of Amsterdam (UvA) as paintings conservator and lecturer in the department of Cosnervation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.

She studied art history (M.A. in 1998) and paintings conservation (M.A. in 2003) a the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Her internships in the last year of study were carried out at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York city, Fullbright grantee) and the Appolon Gallery (Louvre, Paris). Between 2003 and 2004 she worked as freelance paintings conservator in Paris. In 2005 she moved to the Netherlands and joined the staff of the paintings conservation department of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. From 2006 until 2012 she held a permanent position as paintings conservator at the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL). In this context, she worked almost exclusively for the conservation project of the Royal Palace Amsterdam.

Since September 2008 she has ben teaching paintings conservation at the UvA. She is permanently employed at the UvA since 2012. In January 2019 she received her PhD at the UvA on the consequences of wax-resin linings for the present appearance and conservation of Netherlandish seventeenth century paintings on canvas. She has been collaborating with the Getty Foundation through the creation and coordination of the masterclass The Dutch Method Unfolded.

In March 2021 Emilie Froment recorded a lecture especially for the masterclass. The lecture is available through this subpage on our website: Lecture 4 – Emilie Froment.

In June 2021 Emilie Froment recorded a lecture on color change for the masterclass. THe lecture is available through this page on our website: Lecture 12 – Emilie Froment.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wax-resin project