René Boitelle

Institute: Van Gogh Museum

Country: The Netherlands


René Boitelle is a senior paintings conservator connected to the Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam since 1995. He obtained his degree in Art History and Archelogy at the University of Leiden. From 1990 till 1995 he was trained as a conservator of paintings and painted objects at the Limburg Conservation Institute (SRAL) Maastricht. During his studies he was a trainee at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem and the Van Gogh Museum. In 2007 and 2012-13 he was a guest conservator at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Next to various restoration projects, he is involved in research projects devoted to French and Dutch nineteenth century paintings.

In July 2021 Boitelle recorded a lecture on ‘An introduction to wax-resin linings at The Mesdag Collection’ especially for the masterclass. The lecture is available through this subpage on our website: Lecture 13: July 2021 – René Boitelle.

Corresponding literature is available through: Literature – History of wax-resin linings

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wax-resin project