Literature: History of wax-resin linings

Research on the history of wax-resin linings


Ella Hendriks, Jan Cornelis Traas: paintings restorer of the Van Gogh family collection. In J. Martineau, & D. B. (Eds.), The Art of Conservation, The Burlington Press, 2024, pp. 326-357.


N. Tao*, A.G. Anisimov, E. van Duijn, L. Vos, I. Steeman, K. Keune, P. Noble and R.M. Groves], ‘Application of shearography with thermal loading for the structural inspection of Rembrandt’s Night Watch’, in: Proc. SPIE 12620, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology (O3A), IX, 126200A, 9 August 2023.

Mireille te Marvelde, Liesbeth Abraham, and Herman van Putten, Wax-resin lined or not? The transition from glue-paste lining to wax-resin lining at the Frans Hals Museum in the 19th century. In Working Towards a Sustainable Past. ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprints, Valencia, 18–22 September 2023, ed. J. Bridgland. Paris: International Council of Museums. Wax-resin lined or not? Mireille te Marvelde ICOM 2023


Esther van Duijn, ‘‘As much as is necessary for the harmony of the picture not to be disturbed’: The materials and methods used during the 1945–47 treatment of The Night Watch by Rembrandt’, in: Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021, J. Bridgland (ed.). Paris: International Council of Museums.

Mireille te Marvelde, ‘25.4 Wax-resin lining’, in J. Hill Stoner and R. Rushfield (eds.), The Conservation of Easel Paintings. London/New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2021, pp. 424–33. 25.4 Wax-resin lining, Mireille te Marvelde, 2021


Klaas Jan van den Berg, Ella Hendriks et. al., chapter 6, ‘Structural and Chemical Composition of the Surface Layers in the Amsterdam Sunflowers’, in ed. Hendriks et. al. ‘Van Gogh’s Sunflower illuminated: Art meets Science’ 2019, pp. 159-173, in: ed. Ella Hendriks, Van Gogh Museum, Marije Vellekoop, Muriel Geldof and Maarten van Bommel, ‘Van Gogh’s Sunflower illuminated: Art meets Science’, Van Gogh Museum Studies 1 (Amsterdam University Press).

Emilie Froment, ‘The consequences of wax-resin linings for the present appearance and conservation of seventeenth century Netherlandish painting on canvas,’ Dissertation, University of Amsterdam, 2019, Part 1, Chapter 2.

Ella Hendriks et. al., chapter 7, ‘Conservation of the Amsterdam Sunflowers: From Past to Future’,  in ed. Hendriks et. al. ‘Van Gogh’s Sunflower illuminated: Art meets Science’ 2019, pp. 175-205.

Esther van Duijn, ‘An American in Amsterdam – The relevance of the Louis Pomerantz Papers for the conservation history of the paintings collection at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam’, AIC Paintings Specialty Group Postprints of the AIC’s 46th Annual Meeting Material Matters (29 May-2 June 2018), 2019, pp 109-125.


Esther van Duijn, ‘Changing views, altering practices – a brief overview of two hundred years of paintings conservation-restoration at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam’. In ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4-8 September 2017, J. Bridgland (ed.), Paris: International Council of Museums, 2017, art. 1910.


Esther van Duijn and Mireille te Marvelde, ‘The Art of Conservation VII. Hopman and De Wild: The historical importance of two Dutch families of restorers’. In The Burlington Magazine 1363, 158, October 2016, 812-823.

Esther van Duijn and Jan Piet Filedt Kok, ‘The Art of Conservation III. The Restorations of Rembrandt’s ‘Night watch’’. In The Burlington Magazine 1355, 158, February 2016, 117-128.


Saskia van Oudheusden, ‘The execution of wax-resin linings by Johannes Albertus Hesterman (1848-1916) and sons’. In CeROArt (Online), 2013. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/ceroart.3658


Mireille te Marvelde, ‘Wax-resin lining’. In Conservation of Easel Paintings, Hill Stoner, J. and Rushfield, R.A. (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 2012, 424-432.


Ella Hendriks, ‘Treatment history of the Collection’, pp. 28-36, in Ella Hendriks and Louis van Tilborgh with the assistance of Margriet van Eikema Hommes and Monique Hageman, Vincent van Gogh, Paintings 2, Antwerp and Paris (1885-1888), Van Gogh Museum (Waanders, Zwolle).


Petria Noble, Sabrina Meloni, Carol Pottasch & Peter van der Ploeg, Bewaard voor de eeuwigheid: Conservering, restauratie en materiaaltechnisch Onderzoek in het Mauritshuis (Waanders, Zwolle).


Esther van Duijn, ‘The story of Goltzius’ Jupiter and Antiope – A study into its conservation history’. In Cr 6, 2005, 32-38.


Mireille te Marvelde, ‘How Dutch is ‘The Dutch Method’? A History of Wax-resin Lining in its International Context’. In Past Practice – Future Prospects, A. Oddy and S. Smith (eds.), The British Museum Occasional Paper, 2001, no. 145, 143-149.

The pdf is available for download: “How Dutch is ‘The Dutch Method’?”


Ella Hendriks and Koos Levy, ‘A case history of restoration, ideas and working methods in 19th-century Holland’. In Preprints of the 10th triennial meeting of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, International Council of Museums, J. Bridgland (ed.), Washington DC, 22-27 August 1993. Paris: International Council of Museum, 377-380.


Baer, N.S. and Kunz, N.L. (1977). The lining of paintings-1900 to 1975: An annotated Bibliography. In AATA Abstracts 14 (1), 181-243.

The literature for History of wax-resin linings can be downloaded in pdf format here.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wax-resin project