Literature: Critics

Research on critics of wax-resin lining throughout history


Hackney, S., Joan Reifsnyder, Mireille Marvelde, Te, and Mikkel Scharff. ‘Lining easel paintings, introduction’. In Conservation of Easel Paintings, ed. Joyce Hill Stoner en Rebecca Rushfield,  Routledge, (2012): 416


Caroline Villers and Stephen Hackney. Lining paintings: papers from the Greenwich Conference on Comparative  Lining  techniques. London: Archetype, (2003).


Young, C. and Ackroyd, P., The mechanical behavior and environmental response of paintings to three types of lining treatment National Gallery Technical Bulletin 22 (2001) 85-104.


Hummelen, IJ. ‘Een halve eeuw restauratie-ethiek (Fifty years of restoration ethics in the Netherlands)’. In Roerend erfgoed. Ruim een halve eeuw rijkszorg voor collecties, onder redactie van J. Willink, 125–45. Leiden: Primavera Pers, 1997.


Hedley, G. The stiffness of lining fabrics: theoretical and practical considerations. ICOM-CC Working Group. Structural Restoration of Canvas XX, 1996.


Heydenreich, G. ‘Removal of a wax-resin lining and colour changes: a case study’. The.conservator. 18 (1994): 23–27.


Paetzold, A. Bienenwachs in der Gemaelderestaurierung mit Schwerpunkt auf Versuchen zur Abnahme von Wachs-Facings. Keulen: Fachhochschule Keulen, 1993.


Haag, J., K. Bachmann, W. Heiber, U. Schiessl, ‘Leserbriefe zur Restaurierung des Kasseler Rembrandt-Portraets in Restauro  2/1992 pp 85 ff.’ Maltechnik-Restauro. 5 (1992): 333–34.

Heimberg, B. ‘Diskussion einer problematischen Restaurierung. Zu Rembrandts “Herrenbildnis” in der Kasseler Galerie’. Maltechnik-Restauro. 5 (1992): 326–29.

Hermesdorf, P.F.J.M., en B. Schnackenburg. ‘Rembrandts ganzfigurliches Herrenportraet’. Maltechnik-Restauro. 2 (1992): 85–95.


Berger, G.A., en W.H. Russell. ‘Changes in resistance of canvas to deformation and cracking (modulus of elasticity ’E’) as caused by sizing and lining’. In ICOM 90, Dresden: ICOM, 1990.


Masschelein-Kleiner, L. ‘Summary of the Discussions’. In The Conservation of Tapestries and Embroideries. Proceedings of Meetings at the Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique Brussels, Belgium September 21-24, 1987, 1–5. Marina del Rey, California: The Getty Conservation Institute, 1989.


Berger, G.A., en W.H. Russell. ‘An evaluation of the preparation of canvas paintings using stress measurements’. Conservation. 33 (1988): 187–204.

Bracht, Elisabeth. Conservering van schilderijen op doek in het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, enkele voorbeelden. Themadag Centraal Laboratorium 13. Amsterdam: Centraal Laboratorium voor Onderzoek van Voorwerpen van Kunst en Wetenschap, (1988).

Heiduk Vrana, U. ‘Alternative moglichkeiten zur traditionellen doublierung’. In Themadag no. 13 Schilderijen op doek: verdoekingsmethoden en alternatieven. Amsterdam: CL, 1988.

Mehra, V.R. ‘The conservation of canvas paintings: when is it admissible within the professional ethics? In: Schilderijen op doek, verdoekingsmethoden en alternatieven’. ed. W.G.Th. Roelofs en J.A. Mosk, 56–63. Amsterdam: Centraal Laboratorium voor Onderzoek van Voorwerpen van Kunst en Wetenschap (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1988.

Kuiper, Luitsen. ‘Enkele gedachten over de ontwikkeling van het doubleren; de Hollandse doubleermethode’. In Schilderijen op doek, verdoekingsmethoden en alternatieven, Themadag 13, Centraal Laboratorium voor Onderzoek van Voorwerpen van Kunst en Wetenschap, Amsterdam, (1988): 4-15.


Hedley, G., Relative humidity and stress strain response of canvas paintings: uniaxial measurements of naturally aged samples, Studies in Conservation 33 (1988): 133-48.

Berger, G.A. ‘A structural solution for the preservation of canvas paintings’. Conservation. 29 (1984): 139–42.

Berger, G.A., en W.H. Russell. ‘The new stress tests on canvas paintings and some of their implications on the preservation of paintings’., ICOM. Triennial Meeting Copenhagen: ICOM, 1984.


Berger, G.A. ‘The role of tension in the preservation of canvas paintings: a study of panoramas’. In ICOM 81, 81/2/3-1-81/2/3-12. Ottawa: ICOM, 1981.


Wolmer, Bruce. ‘Are the Cubist Picassos at MOMA a travesty of what the artist intended?’ ARTnews, (1980)


Mehra, V.R. ‘Nap-Bond Cold-Lining on a Low Pressure Table’. Maltechnik. 81 (1975): 87–95.


Conti, W., en E. Tassinari. ‘Misure di “creep” su tele da rifodero’. In Problemi di Conservazione, onder redactie van G.Urbani. Bologna, 1973.

Urbani, G. ‘(Canvas paintings)’. In Problemi di conservazione, ed. Giovanni Urbani, pp.9-20. Bologna: Editrice Compositori s.r.l., Bologna, Italy, 1973.


Mehra, V.R. “Comparative Study of Conventional Relining Methods and Materials and Research Towards their Improvement”. In: Interim Report ICOM Conference, Committee for the Care of Paintings,  Madrid. 1972 


Lodewijks, J. ‘Heat sealing, useful for relining of paintings? preliminary report’. In 6th joint meeting of the ICOM committee for museum laboratories and of the sub-committee for the care of paintings. Bruxelles, 1967.

Lodewijks, J. ‘Latest developments in the conservation of old textiles by means of heat sealing’. In 6th joint meeting of the ICOM committee for museum laboratories and of the sub-committee for the care of paintings. ICCROM, 1967.


Lodewijks, J. ‘The use of synthetic resins for conservation of ancient textiles’. Amsterdam: ICOM committee for museum laboratories, 1965. Centraal Laboratorium.

Lodewijks, J. ‘The use of synthetic resins for conservation of ancient textiles’. Amsterdam: ICOM committee for museum laboratories, 1965. Centraal Laboratorium.


Uytenbogaart, J., en J. Lodewijks. ‘Een nieuwe methode voor het verdoeken van schilderijen’. Olie 12 (1959): 338–40.


Wei, William. Art Conservation: Mechanical Properties and Testing of Materials. Jenny Stanford Publishing, (forthcoming)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wax-resin project